Crazy Love Quotes Definiton
Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence. ~David ByrneLove is a game that two can play and both win. ~Eva Gabor
Poetry spills from the cracks of a broken heart, but flows from one which is loved. ~Christopher Paul Rubero
The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of. ~Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1670
I'm so in love, every time I look at you my soul gets dizzy. ~Jaesse Tyler
We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love. ~Robert Fulghum, True Love
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. ~Kay Knudsen
You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry. ~Author Unknown
True love is when you put someone on a pedestal, and they fall - but you are there to catch them. ~Author Unknown
You know when you have found your prince because you not only have a smile on your face but in your heart as well. ~Author Unknown
Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart. ~Author Unknown
I climbed up the door and opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers,
Then I turned off the bed and crawled into the light
All because you kissed me goodnight!
~Author Unknown
Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold. ~Zelda Fitzgerald
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~Attributed to Claudia Ghandi
Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. ~Flavia Weedn, Forever, ©
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~Mark Overby
Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker. ~Author Unknown
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
~William Shakespeare, Mid-Summer Night's Dream, 1595
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes

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