Love Quotes Xanga Definition
All my life, I prayed for someone like you.
Just knowing that he's there for me makes me feel like I have everything that I need in my life.
As I stare into his eyes, I cant help but love him.
You are my world. My best friend. My lover. You are my everything. Without you I'm nothing.
Love is... Love is being a thousand miles away - and still be able to picture his eyes. Love is walking into a crowed room of people - and know he's in the room, because you get that feeling. Love is when you're lying in your bed at night falling asleep - and pretending he's lying right there next to you. Love is when he walks into the room - and you forget to breathe, your heart stops for that spilt second, you get that rush. Love is missing him -before he leaves. Love is never thinking you could have these kinds of feelings - and have them for him. Love is more than just butterflies - it's indescribable.
And all I know is I feel lost without you.
I miss you's not enough.
No matter what happens, I will love you.
No matter what everyone says,
you and I are meant to be.
I’ve met a guy; who’s not scared to laugh at me and call me a loser when I do something dumb. a guy that’ll run up behind me and cover my eyes and ask me to guess who he is, even though it’s pretty obvious. a guy who hides behind a corner and jumps out to scare me, so he'd have a reason to hold me. a guy that leaves me numerous voicemails, just cause. a guy that’d call to wake me up in the morning, because he wants to be the first voice I hear each day. a guy that would never let go of my hand. a guy that would look me in the eyes and tell me he loves me. and mean it. yeah, that guy. I found the guy I’m supposed to give my whole heart to.
Corny as it sounds, you are the one that brings the smile to my face. But most importantly, you are the one who can actually keep it there.
Any guy can love a thousand girls, but a true guy can love only one girl, a thousand ways.
Love Quotes Xanga
Love Quotes Xanga
Love Quotes Xanga
Love Quotes Xanga
Love Quotes Xanga

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