Sarcastic Love Quotes Definition
Sarcastic sayings/sarcastic quotes can be deliciously wicked and even slightly evil. Don’t you sometimes feel that you would just love to smite someone down with a few well-delivered caustic phrases?I’ve compiled a list of my favorite sarcastic sayings to help you to vent your frustrations (even if it is only in your imagination!)
Be warned that you list of enemies will grow substantially if you give in to the urge to use my list of sarcastic sayings …
Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.
I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
If you’re one in a million, there are six thousand people exactly like you.
Why be difficult, when with a bit of effort, you can be impossible?
I’m not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
I’m not sure what’s wrong… but it’s probably your fault.
Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much. You’re not that good.
Don’t be humble. You’re not that great.
Sarcastic Love Quotes
Sarcastic Love Quotes
Sarcastic Love Quotes
Sarcastic Love Quotes
Sarcastic Love Quotes
Sarcastic Love Quotes

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